Welcome from our Basileus
Welcome to the site of Lambda Chi Sigma Alumnae chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho
Sorority, Inc., home of the “Leading Ladies”. We think of ourselves as a “boutique chapter with a family feel”.
Our chapter was chartered on September 7, 2013 in Alsip, Illinois by 25 Leading Ladies. The Lambda Chi Sigma family includes our Philo Affiliates (adult women), our Rhoer Club (young ladies ages 12 to 18) and our Rhosebud Club (girls ages 8 to 11). These affiliates and clubs are integral parts of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., and the Lambda Chi Sigma family, where working together to build stronger communities and foster the development of young girls and women is our mission.
Our commitment to “Greater Service and Greater Progress” is illustrated through the
impactful service we provide to the Alsip area as well as surrounding southern
suburbs and beyond.
We're excited to have you here. Explore, connect, and enjoy your visit!
Warm Regards,
Nicole Harrington-Mallett